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Bingham's Light - Real Latta Haunted Place

  • S Butler road
  • Latta, SC
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According to legend, Bingham's light is the flickering lantern of the man who was killed by a train. It is believed the man was trapped on the tracks and desperately flashed his light in order to attract the attention of oncoming trains. His light can still be seen glowing in the darkness.
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  • It’s real

    My great grandma great grandpa lived on a little dirt road in the center of Bingham my grandma and mom moved there before I was born of course they heard about this light.at first they thought it was fake.one day they went there themselves my grandma great grandpa and my young mom all went there and they saw the light none of there friends believed it so they took there friends out they ran lol but while living near that railroad many weird things happened my mom and her sister both saw my great grandma outside and go into a barn she was inside watching tv…also be mindful to the property your on we own property near the railroad we don’t mind people on it just don’t tear it up that’s all we ask.a lot of family members live in Bingham and they have stories and neighbors I’ll ask them and share some more!

    Posted 1/23/25

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  • It’s real

    My great grandmother great grandfather and grandma mom and many other family lived in Bingham very small town it’s real there’s many stories I hear one is that they was all drinking seen it hopped in the truck so many people was there they had to get Into the bed of the truck 2 people fell out the big White House (farm house)in the center of Bingham is my cousin I’ve never seen the light but how many stories my mom grandma and great grandmother has told me it has to be real and also be mindful to the property your on we do own land where the main passage to the railroad is I know not that many people go there anymore but please be mindful

    Posted 1/23/25

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  • 100% something there

    Went there in the early 90"s on two occasions .Road was full of people and had to have a four wheel drive to get to the spot. Didn't see anything the first time but so many people were claiming it was real that we decided to return about a week later . We went early and walked down the old rail trail all the way to the water was on both sides and couldn't go any further, then walked back to our vehicle .IT got dark and suddenly all the frogs and other sounds stopped . Then a light appeared on the trail that at first looked like a cigarette lighter burning probably about 300 feet away and slowly approached us and began getting bigger. It appeared to be about 6 feet off the ground and traveled very straight. BY the time it got to within about 50 feet away it was as big as a cantalope and then it went out. WE were all quiet the whole time it appeared and when it ended the frogs started back their sounds.. I returned one more time in the day time and by chance met a farmer who appeared to be in hjs 60's working near by. He told me that his mother who was in her 80's saw the light when she was a little girl. I have heard that you can't go back there now because it is blocked off by the owners. I am usually pretty skeptical about this stuff, but I saw this wjth my own eyes and I know it is there.

    Posted 9/20/24

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  • I saw it also

    My experience is almost identical to the one posted here labeled "I saw it". A group of us went about mid 1980's and had to walk in from the main road. We walked down the old railroad grade to where it ended as a dip down to what seemed to be a swampy area. We all saw an orange or red light swinging from the other side of the swamp or stream. As we walked back up the railroad grade to the dirt road, the light seemed to follow us for a while. It finally disappeared.

    Posted 10/29/23

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  • Years ago in 1990's, I think

    It was very late one night and I took a walk along side the railroad tracks returning to my home and Noticed as I walked alongside the tracks,I saw a man walking alongside me but I saw him walking within the growing bushes on side of the track It was too real and scary, because his image was like that of a ghost, but he saw me! I kept going, unless there was a hidden haullogragh machine. This is another strange thing I've seen for REAL

    Posted 8/9/23

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  • Blue Light Road

    If ur not a believer in spirits u definitely will be when u visit this place like before u get into the turn of going on this road when ur almost there u can already feel an eery feeling like something bad happened ther. This bright white light will keep on following u when u try to leave this place it does things to ur car to keep u trapped ther and it moves the road in a weird way that u almost think it's impossible to get out of ther then u see the spirit of the man that got killed by the train and its not a happy one. I was only 12 years old when I experienced this with my brother and sister when my aunt Heather drove us up ther with her at the time boyfriend John. Now I'm telling u at the bottom of my heart please do not go to this road because u may not return none of us were believers that night until we saw what we saw and I will never forget it nor will I ever return.

    Posted 7/13/23

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  • Daylight Surprise

    In the 90's we would go to Binghams Light almost every weekend. There was always a lot of people back there but most didn't stay all night like we did. Most nights the light would come down the lane at least once. Sometimes not at all. It was fascinating. The most surprising time to me was one night it didn't come at all but as we were walking back out in the daylight I kept looking back and and all the sudden the ball of light appeared and just kept floating towards us for awhile. We were really surprised that time because we could see it so good. Just a floating white ball of light. In the daylight!! We just hollered Thank you and went on home.

    Posted 6/2/23

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  • Every Year..

    Every year as a kid my dad would take us out to Latta to see Mr Joe. I saw the light more than once and it got so bright it lit up the tracks. So yes Mr Joe and his lantern are well were real you have to see it to believe it for your self.. but please be careful at night things have changed in the small down of Latta we still ride through there every once in a while I married my husband who is from Dillon County and he thought it was a joke until we went out there..

    Posted 3/9/23

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  • I saw it

    It was many years ago and a friend of mine that grew up in Latta invited me to ride out with him one night while i was working in Marion SC. we rode out to the Railroad bed where they had pulled up the tracks and got to a point that there was a gulley we couldn't cross. He was backing up to turn around and off in the distance across the gulley there was a very bright light, like you would se on the front of an engine with radials around it. I had a pair of binoculars and could see under neath the ground and off to the side were lit up. It lasted 2 or 3 minutes moving towards us and then it moved off the rail bed down into the woods lighting up the woods as it went. The only notable thing is before we got there there was a down pour of rain that ended as it quickly as it started and it was a warm evening. it definitely was a earie experience.

    Posted 3/8/23

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  • Wanda Carter, Registered Nurse/Ghost Hunter

    Growing up In the big city of Little Rock, SC, my family and I visited this haunted historical place multiple times and it never got old! The excitement only got more intense with each visit! We would park our cars and walk down to the old train trusses and we would start calling out to the gentleman that lost his head and he would start swinging his lantern! We’d yell out, “We’re here Mr. Joe Baldwin”, where you at? We’d do that a couple of times and all of a sudden you would see a little light in the distance, like a flicker. The more we would yell the bigger and faster it would come! Then you would always, always have that one crazy, braveheart, dunce that would curse and try to say mean things to Mr. Joe Baldwin/the light. The light would would start getting bigger and brighter and coming faster toward us, and changing colors! This happened on more than one occasion! One year about 33!years I was 17 years old there were several groups of Paranormal investigators with all kinds of equipment out of Texas looking at the light! You could tell they were amateurs, when they saw the light, they didn’t know what to do. They packed up and left my second oldest brother John can attest to this because he help them unpack and then helped them pack it right back up!! We laughed because we knew what was gonna happen they didn’t believe us!! We even took my aunt Flossie with us one night, my oldest sister was driving my mom, Hannah was in the middle and aunt Flossiewas on the passenger side. Me, my sister and two of my cousins were in the backseat! We pulled right to the end of the dirt road leading to the train trusses, we were yelling out but my sister started blowing the horn. Now that must’ve angered Mr. Joe. Baldwin, because all we could see was a small light bout like the end of a cigarette. The more she blowed that horn the bigger the light got! Then all of a sudden it started changing colors, fire red, white, yellowish and back to red! The next thing we knew it looked as if it was in the hood of the car! Everyone was screaming, the car stalled, she got to crank, and then couldn’t get it to go in reverse! All I know is I was on the bottom in the floor board of the car, the other three were tryin their best to get under me!! I wasn’t having it! Mr. Joe was have to get them first!! Finally my sister Jean got it to go in reverse then drive and when she did she floored that car and I guarantee you she hit every hole and bump that dirt road had in it! We were bouncing in that backseat like NBA basketballs! I truly love that place! I could keep going with some of the stories and adventures that I had as a child and as teenager about the “Bingham Light”!

    Posted 4/30/22

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  • Private Property

    U are walking on my property....... No One is allowed on my property!!!!! PRIVATE PROPERTY KEEP OUT

    Posted 11/26/21

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  • Lights

    They say if you blow your horn 3 times the way a train does he shows his self faster , I've seen the light many a times but never him .

    Posted 9/24/21

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  • Its legit

    Having gone here multiple times with the family we have seen lights that move back and forth but not where the map says it's at. If you come down the first road that the old church is on you will come to a field at the end and make a right at the dead end road and go down a short while till you see the gas lines on the left hand side and you see a clearing between the trees on each side, if you look at the trees directly beside the gas pipes you will see the light going back and forth but I will advise you dont curse or be rude because many have bad experiences when doing that. But I can honestly say it will give you the chill bumps and it's truly one of the few places I believe to be haunted.

    Posted 9/10/21

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  • the Bingham Light is real

    when I was with my brothers and friends he started to chase us but we made it out before he got to us

    Posted 10/28/20

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  • A Local's Experience

    Personally, having resided in Latta a majority of my life, obviously I've heard the folk lore surrounding the Bingham Light. As legend goes a man was trapped on the train tracks, used his lantern to warn the oncoming train of his misfortune, but was nonetheless decapitated by the train. Having visited the dirt road where the train tracks were previously laid but have since been uprooted, I have seen a faint light on multiple occasions. I have heard experiences of the light chasing people away, but I've had nothing but benign experiences. If you're seeking a relatively safe hunt to visit, this is the one for you.

    Posted 9/23/20

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Last edit to this listing: 11/9/2016 (3027 days ago)

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