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Dock Street Theatre - Charleston SC Real Haunts

  • 135 Church St.
  • Charleston, SC
The Dock Street Theatre in Charleston is known to be home to a few ghosts. The first is that of a lady in red and the second is a man who wears 19th-century clothing. Ghostly shadow actors and audience members are seen on the regular as well. One of the two regular apparitions is believed to be an actor who doesn't want to leave the stage behind. He is sometimes called the ghost of Junius Booth, the father of John Wilkes Booth. Although, there is no real link between Booth and the theatre.

The ghostly lady in the red dress is believed to be Nellie Dickerson. During her time, she was a lady of the night and the building was the Planter’s Hotel. She was a frequent visitor of the hotel and legend says she wore a bright red dress to the hotel on the night that she died. Supposedly she was walking across a balcony during a terrible storm and a bolt of lightning took her life. Her ghost still walks through the building moving items around and rattling doors.
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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 645
Last edit to this listing: 4/29/2021 (1395 days ago)

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