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Fort Jackson - Real Haunted Place

  • 5450 Strom Thurmond Blvd
  • Columbia, SC
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Real Haunted Army Posts / Battle Grounds
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This military base is believed to be haunted by multiple spirits. At the artillery range, the ghost of a female soldier haunts the area. She is believed to have killed herself and now walks around with a hole in her helmet. In the B 369 AG barracks, a shadowy figure roams the area, checking in on the rooms and intently watching soldiers.
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  • Dead Echo Co.

    I was in Echo company back in 2008. 3 soldiers died in one month at Fort Jackson. This was so unusual that Fort Jackson was on the news. I woke up in the middle of the night, I seen a group of translucent figures looking at our "to do board." And another large group of translucent figures standing in formation through the beds. The fireguard desk was in the middle of the bay, in front of the bathroom, and next to the figures at the "to do board." Nobody was at the desk. I wanted to get my friends attention in the bunk next to me, I poked him. He without looking at me said, "Wil---m, go to bed." I went to sleep again. The next morning I woke up. I asked the friend if he remembered me waking him up he said, "yeah. I told you to go back to bed." I then asked others in the bay if anyone was on guard duty that night, they all said "No." The 3 that died that month. Two died during seizures, one died while doing the 2 mile run. I have no idea why I've seen these things, but I've also seen an orange orb in my room in Fort Drum after a acquaintance committed suicide. Having been 15 years ago, I can tell you that I remember every single detail of this encounter and have told it over and over. And I am as honest as the day is long. This story is 100% true. The 3 that died, I heard about them and it wasn't until I left that I read their story online and thought, 'It really happened.' You can read about them still to this day by just refining your search results to 2008.

    Posted 6/21/23

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  • Night Infiltration Course Ghost

    I was at Fort Jackson in the Summer of 2022. At our barracks their was a plaque dedicated to a private who, while in basic training in 1993 (I believe) , was shot and killed while doing the night infiltration course. The night infiltration course is a 200 meter course that you army crawl through under barbed wire while heavy artillery is shot over head. While this private was doing the course one of the weapons malfunctioned and shot down at the course, killing the private. It was now our turn to do the night infiltration course. I was about halfway through the course when I turned my head to the side to get my face out of the sand. Next to me I saw a soldier wearing BDU camouflage (Camo used in the 90's). He asked me "Is it clear to keep moving?" I was so spooked that I almost stood up, knowing immediately that this was an apparition of the private who died in '93. I barrel rolled in the direction away from him and looked back over and he was gone. I finished that last half much quicker than the first. After finishing I asked if anyone else saw a private in BDU,s, and no one did. I has about 2 weeks left of basic training after that experience and I was so scared the entire time. I will never go back to Fort Jackson.

    Posted 5/2/23

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  • Barracks were Haunted

    I wont share my building number nor company in efforts not to violate opsec, however I had multiple experiences in Ft Jackson. During training there I often had experienced things in my barracks. You would hear footsteps and rattling of dog tags while on fireguard shift or in your room at night. Our barracks had motion lights, and they would flick on when no one was around. I was on fireguard with another soldier one night and we both saw a silhouette of a person in the dark. I thought it was another soldier out of bed but it was nearly as tall as the ceiling (maybe 8ft). It spooked us and when we jumped up it then darted away at incredible speed and never once set off the motion lights. We reported it to the CQ desk downstairs via radio but it was shrugged off by one of our drill sergeants who then began to berate us. Scary stuff. That, and while I was in my rack and my roommate himself was on a separate fireguard shift, I heard footsteps and rattling of dogtags from in our room. I looked up and saw no one. I figured he had forgotten something and came in to get it, but when I asked him about it the next morning he said he never came in during his shift. We both had a keycard to our rooms. No one else would have been able to enter. Everyone when asked (including our drill sergeants) said that they had their own odd experiences there. Who knows. I didn't really believe in stuff like that but it certainly made me more open.

    Posted 4/3/23

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  • 2009 BCT

    I just was sitting here remembering things that happened at FT Jackson when I was in BCT. So I googled ghost at ft Jackson and it got me here. Well that first story the recruit said about the soldiers and DS marching around well I am shocked same thing happened to me…I was deeply a sleep and all of a sudden I woke up but still groggy. I was on the top bunk and I looked around and the whole barracks was full of fog like half way up from the floor then I saw a an African American DS Marching right by my bunk with his hat tilted down his skin was grey he looked at me kept marching very staunchly in between the bunks.

    Posted 10/14/22

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  • Drill Sergeant and Privates Ghosts

    I was in basic training at Fort Jackson in the summer of 2013. My company slept in the big, brown brick buildings (idk the company, 360-something?) but one night I woke up drowsy as hell and looked at the floor. Usually the whole room is pitch black with only the light coming from the hallway, but this time it was a dull red light illuminating the whole room. A row of privates were standing at attention by the opposite row of bunks from mine and a drill sergeant was walking in front of them (I thought it was especially odd because from what I could tell, they were all males and this was the female quarters). He turned to me, saw I was awake and slowly shook his head with the typical drill sgt look on his face. I just complied and put my head down and fell asleep. I didn’t realize until later how weird that whole situation was. Additionally, ppl have said that sightings of figures with a red glow mean demons so hopefully it wasn’t that, but oh well. That was years ago anyway lol.

    Posted 3/6/20

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  • Paranormal experience at Ft. Jackson Army post

    I'm not saying that what I saw is a ghost, but you know the saying... If the shoe fits... During basic combat training in Ft Jackson, one night I was on "fire guard" (basically nightly patrol) in the barracks. My bunk mate and I had just recently started our shift, counted the rifles and made sure everyone and everything was accounted for. I began mopping the floors as my bunk mate manned the front desk. We started hearing some sounds coming from the latrine (restroom). It was part of our duty on fire guard to record anything going on in the barracks, including people using the latrine during the course of the night. My bunk mate told me to check who went in so I complied but found no one. We both swore we heard something and I'll admit we had a bit of a childish argument about whether or not we were messing with one another. About half way through our shift we were both at the front desk when we saw light coming from the latrine and the sound of door shutting. This time my bunk mate decided to investigate himself, panicked, he reported that no one was in the latrine. In disbelief I entered and personally checked every stall and even went as far as checking under the sink counter tops as well as the benches in the shower room. We decided to go bunk to bunk and recount every soldier and rifle only to discover that we had one less soldier than the first time we counted. Fearing the wrath of the Drill Sergeants had we allowed a soldier to escape the barracks, we counted twice more and came up with the same number. Then we realized it had to be correct as our platoon had 60 soldiers in it with two on detail and us two on fire guard, that meant 56 women in their cots. We had originally counted 57 and after checking the fire guard sheets we discovered that every shift besides the first had also counted 57 soldiers as well as rifles. Our shift being over, we woke the next fire guards and tried explaining to them the situation, but groggy as they were, our warnings fell on deaf ears. We probably sounded pretty crazy anyway going on about ghosts at 0300 in the morning. Nonetheless, they too counted 57 at the beginning of their shift. ----For those that don't care about details, here is why we weren't just hallucinating on a gas leak (which is sort of funny because believe it or not we actually had a gas leak one night and therefore had to evacuate and sleep outside in the grass). The next day, my bunk mate ended up explaining to our senior Drill Sergeant what had happened during our fireguard shift, and to our complete HORROR he was not at all surprised and had even told us about a private many years ago that had hung herself by his in the showers on the floor above. According to the Drill Sergeant, every cycle he had experienced with this particular building seemed to have a fire guard story similar to ours that was brought to his attention. He even told us about him having had the same experiences at times when he'd been in the barracks by himself.

    Posted 9/28/18

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  • Annie from 3rd Bay

    I can't spill out too much info without breaking some rules but I'll share my experience. I'm a female soldier and I'm currently based at Fort Jackson for basic training, since I've been there, there's been rumors in my company that the third bay haunted by a girl named Annie, who apparently hung herself in the latrine showers. My senior drill sergeant told us about it and I immediately began to freak out because I live in the bay directly across from third bay and one night during fire guard I heard humming coming from the stairs, I checked all the females asleep, but none of them were humming so I pressed my ear against the door to see if I could hear a female outside (I thought it was a female in our Bay trying to get inside the male Bay which is where Annie is supposed to haunt) and the humming stopped, but then I heard inaudible whispering. I got freaked out but my battle buddy was scared of the dark and of ghosts so I ignored it. This was all before I even knew about Annie so of course when the senior drill sergeant was trying to scare us, he got under my skin especially. I've asked the males about it and they say that they've heard whispers, too and at night from 24:00 to 1:00 they see shadows in the corner next to the latrine door. I always thought to myself "I'm so glad I don't have to sleep there" but on the last night before Christmas exodus, the drill sergeant who had CQ duty made us sleep in the 3rd Bay because our bay was being shut down, we begged him to let us sleep somewhere else, but there was nothing he could do he was just following orders as well. There were only about a dozen of us because we were POV, meaning our families were coming to pick us up, everyone who had to fly or take a bus to go home were sleeping somewhere else. Because it was the last night and everything had to be cleaned and stored away, we had no sheets, blankets or sleeping systems just a bunk with a mattress, which is still better than a hasty foxhole. So, of course, it was pretty cold, I kept waking up in the night. I heard toilets flushing but no one was in the latrine, I got out of bed to put on my fleece cap so my ears would stay warm and as I went digging through my assault pack I saw a shadowy figure in the corner, I went cold i thought it was just a shadow but I inched toward the middle of the bay and it still stood materialized like a person was there, my palms went sweaty, I looked at everyone else who was asleep. Then I looked back and it had moved, the figures head rolled to the side, I was absolutely terrified but at the same time if this was a female playing with me I would be angry so I started walking towards the figure but as I passed the bunks I watched it through the bed posts of the bunks and it just disappeared, I felt my heart leap out of my throat and I range walked back to my bunk and pulled my fleece cap over my eyes and started chanting to myself until I fell asleep, through the night I kept hearing toilets flush and papers and chairs shuffling inside the drill sergeant office. I heard praying and I lifted my fleece cap and saw one of the females praying to herself. Males have seen the exact same thing, sometimes she hangs from the side of bunks or walks into the latrine door. The EXIT signs will flicker, the lights will come on and the creepiest thing is that males will wake up and stand in front of their banks like it's toe to the line time, or if they sleep in their sleeping bags they'll wake up in the middle of the room instead of next to their bunks. I even asked the drill sergeant who had CQ that night what happened, he told us that in the morning they found a female and she was unresponsive, that was it. Fort Jackson is very old, it wouldn't surprise me if it has spirits of soldiers still wondering around.

    Posted 12/23/16

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Last edit to this listing: 11/9/2016 (3027 days ago)

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