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Dock Street Theater - Real Haunted Place

  • 135 Church St
  • Charleston, SC
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The Dock Street Theater once served as the Planters' Hotel. During this time, the hotel was frequented by aristocratic men and prostitutes. According to legend, Nettie Dickerson, a twenty-five year old woman, had made the desperate decision to become a prostitute. She would often meet her wealthy guests at the hotel. Eventually her reputation became known and she was ostracized within the community. One night, during a thunderstorm, Nettie stood on the rooftop of the hotel, and sought comfort in the raging storm. She was struck and killed by a lightening bolt. Her ghost is often spotted wandering the theater, looking out of place and dejected.
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  • Unexplained shadows

    One summer, during a summer storm, my cousin and I saw a woman on the balcony of the theater. She appeared to be livid about something and waving and shouting furiously at passers by, but no one was paying her any attention. We decided that we would see what she was yelling about only to have her disappear into thin air as we got close enough to hear what she was saying.

    Posted 10/30/23

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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 583
Last edit to this listing: 11/9/2016 (3061 days ago)

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