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Poogan's Porch - Real Haunted Place

  • 72 Queen St
  • Charleston, SC
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Poogan's Porch is named after a stray dog that was adopted by the former resident of the house. Although the restaurant is named after this friendly pooch, the building has a much darker history, one that is more familiar to community members. In 1900 two sisters, Zoe and Elizabeth St. Armand resided at the house. The two sisters were incredibly close, spending the majority of their time with one another. However, in 1945, Elizabeth died, leaving Zoe despondent and depressed. She was eventually committed to St. Francis Hospital where she spent the remainder of her days. Zoe's apparition has been spotted throughout the restaurant. Her picture hangs in the restaurant, reminding staff and customers of the houses's tragic history. Zoe often goes unnoticed and she is assumed to be another guest at the restaurant. Only the most astute observers will recognize the older woman from the photograph.
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  • Zoe spoke to me...twice

    While visiting Charleston my wife wanted to eat at Poogan's Porch. She told me about the ghost dog and its sweet story, being a dog person I was all in. The porch was packed and unavailable and I had no experience there, however, during diner upstairs I twice asked my wife what she was mumbling about, each time she snapped back denying saying anything. After the first time I checked the room, paying attention to the acoustics and seeing if I was overhearing another table. This was not the case. The second time I actually got testy with my wife who denied saying anything again. The odd thing about the experience....I had never heard of Zoe and had no idea what I was experiencing was paranormal. I consider myself lucky, looking back it was a very cool experience. I have now become a paranormal buff, and investigator. I'd like to visit again, this time with a keen eye toward Zoe.

    Posted 2/22/20

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Visitors to this page: 2,208
Last edit to this listing: 12/16/2016 (2990 days ago)

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