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Georgetown Light - North Island Light - Real Georgetown Haunt

  • Winyah Bay
  • Georgetown, SC
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According to legend, the Georgetown Lighthouse is protected by the ghosts of the former light keeper and his young daughter, Annie. The light keeper and Annie spent all of their time maintaining the lighthouse. The weekends were their only opportunity to leave their post and visit Georgetown. One day, on a return trip, the waters became violent and the boat began to sink. Desperate, the father tied his daughter to his back and swam ashore. By the time he reached land, the light keeper was too exhausted to stay awake and her fell asleep in the sand, When he awoke her realized Annie was still strapped to his back. He hurriedly untied her, but it was too late, Annie had drowned. After his daughter's death, the light keep became despondent, holing himself up in the lighthouse where he eventually passed away. Sailors have often claimed to encounter little Annie's ghost. They believed to appears before a big storm in order to warn sailors of potential disaster.
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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 1,013
Last edit to this listing: 11/9/2016 (3028 days ago)

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